


Are you interested in cooperation? Do not hesitate to contact us via our contact form, or visit us personally at one of our branches.

Are you interested in cooperation? Do not hesitate to contact us via our contact form, or visit us personally at one of our branches.

Are you interested in cooperation? Do not hesitate to contact us via our contact form, or visit us personally at one of our branches.

+421 908 304 709

Monday - Friday: 7:00 - 15:30

Addresses of all branches

+421 908 304 709

Monday - Friday: 7:00 - 15:30

Addresses of all branches

+421 908 304 709

Monday - Friday: 7:00 - 15:30

Addresses of all branches

By sending a message through this contact form, you agree to our privacy policy.

By sending a message through this contact form, you agree to our privacy policy.

By sending a message through this contact form, you agree to our privacy policy.

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Our branches

Company headquarters

Volta Technologies, Inc.
Mostová 2
811 02, Bratislava

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Branch Bratislava
Slovnaftská 102
821 07, Bratislava

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Branch Brno
Gasworks 1
602 00, Brno, CZ

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Branch Zilina

At Majerisku 169/10,
010 03, Zilina

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Branch Spišská Nová Ves
Radlinského 28
052 01 Spišská Nová Ves

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Company headquarters

Volta Technologies, Inc.
Mostová 2
811 02, Bratislava

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More branches

Branch Bratislava
Slovnaftská 102
821 07, Bratislava

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Branch Brno
Gasworks 1
602 00, Brno, CZ

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Branch Zilina

At Majerisku 169/10,
010 03, Zilina

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Branch Spišská Nová Ves
Radlinského 28
052 01 Spišská Nová Ves

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Company headquarters

Volta Technologies, Inc.
Mostová 2
811 02, Bratislava

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More branches

Branch Bratislava
Slovnaftská 102
821 07, Bratislava

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Branch Brno
Gasworks 1
602 00, Brno, CZ

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Branch Zilina

At Majerisku 169/10,
010 03, Zilina

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Branch Spišská Nová Ves
Radlinského 28
052 01 Spišská Nová Ves

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Contact Information

+421 908 304 709

Monday - Friday: 7:00 - 15:30

Volta Technologies, Inc.
Mostová 2
811 02, Bratislava

Addresses of all branches

VOLTA Technologies, a member of the MiddleCap Group S.A., is a long-established and respected player among the leading Central European market providers of high- and low-voltage installation security services.

Copyright © 2024 - Voltatechnologies

Contact Information

+421 908 304 709

Monday - Friday: 7:00 - 15:30

Volta Technologies, Inc.
Mostová 2
811 02, Bratislava

Addresses of all branches

VOLTA Technologies, a member of the MiddleCap Group S.A., is a long-established and respected player among the leading Central European market providers of high- and low-voltage installation security services.

Copyright © 2024 - Voltatechnologies

Contact Information

+421 908 304 709

Monday - Friday: 7:00 - 15:30

Volta Technologies, Inc.
Mostová 2
811 02, Bratislava

Addresses of all branches

VOLTA Technologies, a member of the MiddleCap Group S.A., is a long-established and respected player among the leading Central European market providers of high- and low-voltage installation security services.

Copyright © 2024 - Voltatechnologies